What Happens When a Company Truck Hits You?

what happens when a company truck hits you

Initial feelings of relief can fade fast when the ramifications of an accident involving a company truck begin to sink in. While a passenger vehicle accident can be stressful, understanding the process when multiple entities are involved can feel overwhelming. Not only are you dealing with the recovery of your health, but the recovery of damages may seem impossibly complex.

The Texas economy is growing and involves a nonstop stream of commercial truck traffic that supports this expansion. Navigating the legal system and who to hold accountable in an accident involving a company truck in Lubbock, Texas is best tackled by the experienced legal team of Liggett Law Group. Their knowledgeable approach to finding the facts and aggressively tackling truck accidents for clients work to seek maximum financial compensation for the victims.

Documenting the Company Truck Accident

Documentation is always vital if you are involved in an accident. When the accident involves a company truck, there is additional information to obtain that is necessary for the recovery of damages. What are the steps to take at the scene of the accident?

Seek Medical Attention

More than anything, the most crucial step is to seek medical attention. Your car and possessions can be replaced, but your health is priceless. Call 911, if you are able, to initiate that care.

Many people in delivery truck accidents initially feel they are not injured enough to seek medical attention. An individual, surging with adrenaline after a crash involving a commercial truck, may not recognize they are hurt. And other injuries may not present until days after the accident, with some having the potential to be fatal.

Medical care is part of the vital documentation proving your injuries stemmed from a company truck accident. If you are asked at the accident scene if you are hurt, it is best to respond that you are unsure. Time may reveal your injuries.

Reserve Conversation

It is natural to want to talk about the accident with the other individuals involved or bystanders who witnessed what happened. But it is critical not to discuss the accident with others. Do not say you are sorry or admit fault, even if the accident may have been your fault.

Your statements may be used to influence the investigation of the accident.

Obtain a Police Report

After calling 911, law enforcement will be dispatched. Obtain a copy of the accident report at the scene if possible, or you may also obtain a copy online. The officer will record information and give an opinion on the cause of the car accident.

Collect Evidence

Pictures tell an irrefutable story and can visually express to others the damages that occurred in an accident. Additionally, taking pictures of your injuries can detail the extent of physical injury you suffered. You should also collect and document the following information:

  • Take pictures of the truck and any other vehicles involved to document the damage at the scene.
  • Collect any information for the representative of the trucking company that you may need to speak with.
  • Taking a video can collect information that shows the accident resulted from another entity’s negligence, inclement weather, or possible obstructions to the safe operation of traffic.
  • Take pictures of license plates, the license of any driver involved, and a photo of their insurance documentation, if possible.
  • Collect the contact information of any bystanders and ask for a copy of any photos or videos that may have been taken at the scene.

Make the Appropriate Follow-up Contacts

Contact your insurance company immediately and begin the claims process. It is critical to have a designated notebook and folder to keep your information together. Record the date, time, and name of any person you speak with to make following up more manageable.

Determining who is at fault in an accident with a company truck is essential. A Texas personal injury attorney has the experience needed to determine who is responsible and hold them accountable for your damages.

Responsible Parties

There are many moving parts in the trucking industry. Who bears the responsibility for the accident may take time to investigate. The following people and entities may be considered the responsible parties, depending on the cause of the crash:

  • The company truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The freight loading company, particularly if the product was loaded incorrectly, causing unequal weight distribution
  • The truck manufacturer, if it is determined faulty manufacturing is to blame for the accident
  • The truck parts manufacturer, if any parts on the truck may have been damaged or faulty when produced
  • Restaurants or bars if a driver was overserved
  • State entities or contracting companies, depending on the maintenance of highways and streets

How a Texas Truck Accident Attorney Helps You

In some accidents, the cause is undeniable. This proof offers a best-case scenario. But legal representation is still essential to ensure that you understand the compensation you are entitled to and how to assign value to these damages.

An attorney serves numerous functions in a company truck accident, including:

Explaining Your Legal Rights

A Texas attorney will understand the law and time limits that apply in a company truck accident claim. They can explain this information in a way that will help you make an informed decision.

Serving as Investigator

Determining who is liable for a company truck accident can take an exhaustive amount of time. Your experienced Lubbock personal injury attorney will serve as a skilled investigator who can collect data and access information from the trucking company’s safety history that may shed light on causation in your accident.

Acting as an Intermediary

There will be a tremendous amount of information that must be exchanged between insurance companies, other attorneys that may be involved, and company representatives. An attorney can present the findings with an ability that is most beneficial for you.

Insurance adjusters investigating the claim often present as helpful, sympathetic individuals serving your best interest. However, the goal is to minimize payouts, benefitting the company they represent. Your attorney will understand fair compensation and thwart the attempts to lessen the damages you are compensated for.

Representing Your Best Interests

An attorney can assign a fair value to your injuries and losses and pursue the compensation you deserve. Retaining an attorney may encourage settlement out of court. If necessary, an attorney will aggressively pursue your truck accident lawsuit in court by providing the documentation, expert opinion, and witness testimony to support your case.

Being Your Navigator

Not only does a truck accident lawyer explain what you should do, but they will also advise you on important things you should not do to jeopardize your claim. This information is critical to prevent the insurance adjusters and additional attorneys involved in a case from using your words and actions against you.

For example, your attorney will counsel you on conversations with an adjuster and advise against recorded statements that can be used to refute your claim. Additionally, they may warn against posting on social media. The pictures you share may be used as proof that your injuries are not as serious as you claim.

An attorney takes a whole-view approach to your case, considering every aspect and helping you navigate the pitfalls that can reflect poorly on your claim.

Securing Maximum Compensation

The ultimate role of an attorney is to assure your appropriate compensation under the law for any damages you incurred from the accident involving a company truck. Some injuries produce damages that ultimately affect you throughout life. An attorney can assign value to these damages.

Superior Legal Representation in Texas Company Truck Accidents

Knowing where to begin to document and prove your claim in a company truck accident may feel overwhelming. Your claim may fall by the wayside as you struggle to focus on healing. Liggett Law Group ensures you never have to choose between your health and financial well-being. Contact a Lubbock truck accident lawyer to discuss your legal options.