Where Do Broadside Collisions Most Commonly Occur?

Where Broadside Collisions Most Commonly Occur

Broadside collisions most commonly occur at intersections, left hand turns, and 4 way stops.  Broadside collisions normally occur at intersections because so many lanes of traffic come to an intersection, a point of conflict is created.

Running Red Lights

Drivers also often run red lights and hit a vehicle, or multiple, in oncoming traffic. This can be because the driver is inebriated, was distracted, or simply didn’t see a light. The same can happen for a driver who runs a stop sign, which can easily happen if the driver is illegally texting and driving or talking to passengers in the car.

4 Way Stops

Sometimes, stoplights are out and other signals are not properly provided to drivers. In these cases, drivers have to rely on riskier moves to proceed, making it especially dangerous for left-hand turns. If vehicles do not yield the right-of-way, they can hit a car that is obeying the right-of-way rules.

Left-hand Turns

Left-hand turns are always risky moves because they must go into oncoming traffic, making broadside collisions more likely to happen. The risk of broadside collision goes up when a driver making a left-hand turn must yield to traffic.

Fault in Broadside Collisions

Broadside collisions are a common vehicle accident across Texas. Due to their nature, these types of accidents create a high risk for severe car accident injuries and fatal car accidents. Most are caused by driver negligence such as illegally texting and driving, because the at-fault party wasn’t paying attention and could have prevented the collision.

When a T-bone accident occurs, it is usually clear who is at fault. With broadside collisions, vehicle damage is also generally a tell-tale sign of how the accident happened and who is at fault. If you were injured in a broadside collision, contact Liggett Law Group. Our skilled car accident attorneys can help guide you through the legal process required to get you the financial compensation you need and deserve. At Liggett Law Group, our consultations are free and entirely confidential, so reach out today to learn more about how we can help.